Deep Saline - CO2 Plume Management
"CO2 Plume Management Understanding" is "Best Achieved" through "Visualization". The "CO2 Plume Spreadsheet" was developed based on "Scoping Model Techniques" similar to those used for CO2/EOR Projects for over 25 Years. In addition, the "Plume Scoping Model" was developed based on "History Match Techniques" utilizing data from the "Citronelle Deep Saline Demonstration" project operated between 2014 and 2017, in Alabama.
The "PowerPoint File" contains Slides from a CO2 Seminars-on-Wheels Course that will be promoted on LinkedIn under the Call Sign: "Houston... Tranquility Base Here...
CO2 Plume Management "Scoping Model Examples"
Each "Demo" Excel Spreadsheet contains Areas where the User can "Edit Time of Injection and Injection Rate Changes" through Time to visually see what .
Download Link: "Demo" Examples
Level One: Constant Injection Rate with Time
Level Two: Bottom/Up Implementation Optimization
Level Three: Variable Injection Rate with Time
Since 1986, Merchant Consulting has been actively involved with CO2 Tertiary Oil Recovery. Reservoir Management during this time frame evolved from Constant WAG and Continuous CO2 injection implementation in the 1980's to the more advanced Tapered WAG Operating Schemes used today.
In 2015, 2017, and 2019 Merchant Consulting published four papers for the Carbon Management Technology Conference
In 2010, Merchant Consulting saw the need to bring those interested in CO2/SEQ or CO2/EOR opportunities, a more realistic and updated perspective about CO2 flooding. In 2010, SPE Paper 139516 was published to address both Current below 80% HCPV Injected and Future expected ranges beyond 80% HCPV Injected targeting Tertiary Oil Recovery, Net CO2 Utilization, and Gross CO2 Utilization for a wide range of reservoir types. In addition, the paper contains exactly 100 Bibliography References which covers most of the CO2 floods operated between 1972 and 2010.
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Conventional WAG Management "Montage"
The "Montage" approach to WAG CO2 Management was developed during the 1980's at Amoco to manage CO2 WAG Management in the Permian Basin.
The attached DOWNLOAD file is a SPE Paper that was published by David Merchant and Subhash Thakur in 1994 to document the theory behind its existence and importance in properly managing Amoco's WAG performance at its four major CO2 floods located in the Permian Basin.
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