Our Company is your best source for value-driven, global turnkey Professional Services.
Merchant Consulting
After 18 years at Amoco and 3 years at Pennzoil, Merchant Consulting was established in 1998, starting at Shell CO2 Company. Since that time, Merchant Consulting has gained over 24 years of collective knowledge and experience that give's Merchant Consulting a unique advantage in providing professional services in three separate, but tied industries.
These include:
Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects (CO2/EOR Projects)
With over 46 years of Reservoir Engineering Experience, 42 years of Reservoir Modelling Experience, 36 years of Tertiary CO2/EOR experience in Enhance Oil Projects, 4 years of International Experience, and 4 years of Offshore Gulf of Mexico Experience, is proud to bring that experience to the table and provide the most value and innovation per dollar spent.
CO2 Sequestration Projects (CO2/SEQ Projects)
Since 1998, Merchant Consulting has been involved in conducting Basin Studies for the determination of CO2/EOR opportunities across the United States. First with Shell CO2 Company in the Permian Basin; PetroSource Carbon and Marathon in Wyoming; BP's Carbon and Capture Team across the remainder of the United States; and in 2010, Bettelle in Offshore Malaysia.
Since the conception of the Regional Partnerships back in 2000 (Los Alamos and the Southwest Regional Partnership), Merchant Consulting has been involved in CO2 Storage determinations for both CO2/Seq and CO2/EOR Projects, mainly through BP's CCS Team. These studies consisted of a complete evaluation of all prospective CO2 Candidate Reservoirs, providing current base-line Primary and Secondary Predictions, along with Scoping Model Predictions on all major producing reservoirs.
Reservoir Simulation (VIP, Eclipse 300, Eclipse 100, MORE, Amoco (GCOMP) Simulators
With over 38 years of Reservoir Modeling Experience, Merchant Consulting has conducted Reservoir Model Studies for all types of Reservoirs. These include Primary Recovery including tight gas (Wamsutter field in Wyoming), Secondary Recovery and Waterflood (Many Studies - Permian, Gulf of Suez - Egypt, Several - Gulf Coast), Gas-Condensate Retrograde (Port Hudson - Louisiana, Sajaa Field - UAE, Middle East), and CO2 Tertiary Operations (Many Studies - Permian Basin. Wilmington THUMS Unit in Los Angeles Basin, West Hastings field in Texas).
Contact: Merchant Consulting

Houston, Texas

Phone: 281-686-6320
Email: MerchantConsulting@comcast.net
Email: David.Merchant@ReservoirManagementSolutions.com
Email: David.Merchant@CO2StorageSolutions.com
Email: David.Merchant@CO2SeminarsOnWheelscom