We provide turnkey professional services from Basin Study Analysis to identify the next generation of CO2 floods, to Tertiary Rate Predictions of Oil, CO2 Purchase, CO2 Injection, and CO2 Storage using Scoping Model Techniques and Reservoir Simulation (VIP, Eclipse, GEM, or MORE).
Whether you are a Major Oil Company, Small Independent, Power Company, new business or expanding an existing one, we can help.
Contact: Merchant Consulting

Houston, Texas

Phone: 281-686-6320
Email: MerchantConsulting@comcast.net
Email: David.Merchant@ReservoirManagementSolutions.com
Email: David.Merchant@CO2StorageSolutions.com
Email: David.Merchant@CO2SeminarsOnWheels.com
Reservoir Management Solutions
CO2 Storage Solutions
Your Solution for: CO2/SEQ and CO2/EOR Storage Issues