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CO2 Seminars on Wheels Merchant Consulting
Welcome to "CO2 Seminars on Wheels"
CO2/SEQ and CO2/EOR "Seminars on Wheels"
"CO2 Seminars on Wheels" was created to educate those who are interested in understanding CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Sequestration, but lack the time to find out what it is all about.
Reservoir Management Solutions
CO2 Storage Solutions
CO2 Seminars on Wheels (Agenda Listings)
Schedules Five Types of Seminar Agendas are Available:
1 Hour Lunch Time Meeting or Seminar
1/2 Day Seminar
1 Full Day Seminar or School
1 1/2 Day Seminar or School
2 Full Day Seminar or School
2 Full Day Seminar (In Chinese) Newly Added
(See our Agendas Left or Develop one on your own)
Or Cross the Fence
Merchant Consulting can provide You with the latest information on Carbon Capture Technology (Clean Coal and Oxyfuel Plants) along with Denbury's CO2/EOR Historical Performance at Hasting field and Oyster Bayou field.
NetPower Oxyfuel Plant Petra Nova Plant
Denbury's Hastings and Oyster Bayou Oil Fields