Permian Basin Field Studies
Reservoir Model Studies (MORE and GCOMP)
Slaughter Field (Slaughter Estate Unit, Central Mallet Unit, Frazier Unit)
Extensive CO2 Modelling

Companies (Amoco – 8 years, GCOMP)

(Oxy Permian – 6 weeks, MORE)

Simulation: Amoco GCOMP, MORE
Wasson Field (Wasson ODC Unit)

Companies (Amoco – Conventional WAG Injection Study, 1986-1988)

Simulation: Amoco GCOMP
Yates field

Extensive Compositional Modelling
Company: (Marathon – 1 year)

Simulation: Eclipse 300 Compositional
Scoping Model Predictions
Slaughter Field (Duggan Slaughter Unit) (Pennzoil, 1994 – 1998, 3 years)
Seminole field (Amoco Original 1986-1987, BP Pattern Study 2004, 2 mo)
Salt Creek field (Exxon Sales Package, 2003)
Sharon Ridge field (Exxon Sales Package, 2003)
Goldsmith Unit (Shell CO2 Company, Chevron, 2000, 3 mo)
West Dollarhide and Dollarhide fields (Pure, 2002)
El Mar field (Amoco and Union Royalty, 1994, 6 mo)
West Quito field (Seaboard, 2003, 2 mo)
Lovington field (Pure Resources, 2003, 2 mo)
Gulf of Mexico Field Studies
Reservoir Engineer (Amoco Production – Offshore Division) (1976 – 1980)
(4 years)
Reservoir Model Studies (GCOMP and VIP)
Port Hudson Nitrogen Injection Project – Baton Rouge,Louisiana, USA; developed for Amoco’s Onshore Region; GCOMP Model Study;
New Orleans / Amoco Research; Date: June 1981-1982
Study Duration: 1 year
Simulator: GCOMP and Amoco’s Black Oil Simulator
While at Amoco’s Research Center, I worked with the New Orleans Onshore
Division to build model input data sets and special Fortran output for this
Louisiana Onshore Gas Condensate Depletion Performance Reservoir for the evaluation of Nitrogen Injection into the reservoir for improved recovery in this gas-condensate retrograde reservoir .
Geological Storage Options for CO2 Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide – West Hastings Field
Prepared for: BP Alternative Energy, Houston, Texas,
Prepared by: David H. Merchant, Merchant Consulting,
Simulator: VIP (Compositional) - (2008; No Report issued)
The objective of this VIP Simulation CO2 Model Evaluation is document VIP Model results of a Single-Column Model that was conducted in the West Hastings field. The study presents tertiary CO2 predictions to evaluate CO2 injection recovery and storage.
Field Studies
Plan of Development for the West Delta 73 field in the
Gulf of Mexico, USA
Prepared for Amoco Offshore Business Unit in New Orleans;
Date: February, 1979-1980; File: Internal Amoco
Performed Plan of Depletion analysis that resulted in a 4 well Drilling
Program that extended life in this multiple-platform, multi-stacked pay
Study Duration: 2 years
Plan of Development for the Ship Shoal 246 field in the
Gulf of Mexico, USA
Prepared for Amoco Offshore Business Unit in conjunction with CNG;
Date: February, 1979; File: Internal Amoco
Performed Plan of Depletion for this single-platform, multi-stacked pay
field over a six month period. Developed field well drilling development
plan with CNG, the operator of the field.
Plan of Development for the High Island 474/489 field in the
Gulf of Mexico, USA
Prepared for Amoco Offshore Business Unit in conjunction with Pennzoil;
Date: February, 1979-1980; File: Internal Amoco
Performed Plan of Depletion predictions and was involved with over 25
drilling Well recommendations for this multiple-platform, multi-stacked
pay field.
Sub-sea Workover Evaluation in Eugene Island 208 field in the
Gulf of Mexico, USA
Operations Engineer in Lafayette, Louisiana;
Date: February, 1976- August, 1977; File: Internal Amoco
Developed workover procedures for pump-down tool
applications for sub-sea completions in the Eugene 208 field using
gas-lift. Duration: 1 year
Rocky Mountain Region Field Studies
Reservoir Model Studies
Wamsutter Field (Tight Gas Reservoir) (Township Area – 177 Wells)
June 2005
Company (BP Americas – 6 weeks)
Simulator: VIP
Scoping Model Predictions
Salt Creek Field (PetroSource Carbon, Howell Petroleum, 2000 – 2001
Oregon Basin Field (Marathon (Houston), iReservoir (Denver), 2004, 4 mo)
Steamboat Butte Field (Marathon (Houston), iReservoir (Denver), 2004, 4 mo)
Grass Creek Field (Marathon (Houston, iReservoir (Denver), 2004, 4 mo)
Pitchfork Field (Marathon (Houston, iReservoir (Denver), 2004, 4 mo)
Byron, Spring Creek, Maverick Fields (Marathon (Denver), 2004, 4 mo)
Wertz and Lost Soldier Field (Marathon, (iReservoir (Denver), 2004, 4 mo)
California EOR Evaluations – Los Angeles, Ventura, San Joaquin Basins
San Joaquin Basin
Scoping Model Predictions
Geological Storage Options for CO2 Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide – Elk Hills Field, Stevens Reservoirs, CO2 Scoping EOR Model Predictions, Combined Oil Pool Predictions, Most Likely Cases, Main Report, (Dec 2009; 22 p.)
Addendum I, CO2 Scoping Model Techniques, (Dec 2009; 15 p.)
Addendum II, Upside Potential case, (Dec 2009; 22 p.)
Addendum III, Rate Accelerate Case, (Dec 2009; 22 p.)
Addendum IV, Extended Recovery Case, (Dec 2009; 22 p.)
The objectives of these Scoping Model Evaluations are to predict CO2 Tertiary response for the Elk Hills field Main Body B oil pools plus three Clean body oil pools.
Geological Storage Options for CO2 Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide – Elk Hills Field, Stevens Clean Body Sand Oil Pools, CO2 Scoping EOR Model Predictions (January 2009; 26 p.)
The objective of this Scoping Model Evaluation is to address CO2 Sequestration Options for the Elk Hills field, three Clean Body Oil Pools.
Geological Storage Options for CO2 Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide – Elk Hills Field, CO2 Tertiary Evaluation (June 2006; 56 p.)
The objective of this Scoping Model Evaluation is to address CO2 Sequestration Options for the Elk Hills field. Geologic information along with base waterflood and gas injection performance are presented for the Shallow Oil Zone, Main Body B, Stevens 31S and Stevens 29R reservoirs. Preliminary Scoping Model Tertiary Oil predictions, along with CO2 storage values are provided on the Main Body B reservoir.
Los Angeles Basin
Reservoir Model Studies - VIP
Geological Storage Options for CO2 Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide – Long Beach Unit - Wilmington Field, CO2/EOR Tertiary Evaluation
(April 2008; 39 p.)
The objective of this VIP Simulation CO2 Model Evaluation is document VIP Model results of a Cross-section Model that was conducted across the Long Beach Unit (THUMS) in Wilmington Field. The study presents tertiary CO2 predictions to evaluate various CO2 injection options.
Scoping Model Predictions
Geological Storage Options for CO2 Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide – Rosecrans, Dominquez, Seal Beach, and Beta Offshore Fields, CO2 Tertiary Evaluation (May 2007; 25 p.)
The objective of this Scoping Model Evaluation is to address CO2 Sequestration Options for Rosecrans, Dominguez, Seal Bach, and Beta Offshore Fields. Historical Waterflood predictions, Tertiary Oil predictions, and CO2 storage values are provided.
Geological Storage Options for CO2 Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide – Inglewood and Beverly Hills Fields, CO2 Tertiary Evaluation
(May 2007; 25 p.)
The objective of this Scoping Model Evaluation is to address CO2 Sequestration Options for Inglewood and Beverly Hills Fields. Historical Waterflood predictions, Tertiary Oil predictions, and CO2 storage values are provided.
Ventura Basin
Scoping Model Predictions
Geological Storage Options for CO2 Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide – Ventura Field, CO2 Tertiary Evaluation (March 2007; 19 p.)
The objective of this Scoping Model Evaluation is to address CO2 Sequestration Options for the Ventura field. Historical Waterflood predictions, Tertiary Oil predictions, and CO2 storage values are provided
Africa and Middle-East Evaluations (Amoco International) Reservoir Engineer (Amoco International – Africa and Middle East Region)
(1982 – 1986) (4 years)
Gulf of Suez - Egypt
Reservoir Model Studies - GCOMP
Oil-in-Place and Oil Depletion Performance Model
Predictions for Badri Field (GS-315), Gulf of Suez,
Egypt; Prepared for GUPCO and Amoco International;
Date: August, 1985; File: Internal Amoco
Simulator: Amoco (Blackoil Simulator)
Performed both coning model and Blackoil Model
Waterflood predictions in this half billion barrel field.
Modelling resulted in five-platform development program
with peripheral waterflood operations
Field Studies
Data Analysis of the El Morgan Field, Geological,
Petrophysical, and Production data, Gulf of Suez,
Egypt; Prepared for GUPCO and Amoco International;
Date: March 1983; File: Internal Amoco
Data Collection Project to determine data needs on this
175,000 BOPD field. (3 month evaluation)
Enhanced Oil Recovery Options – Ramadan Field,
Gulf of Suez, Egypt; Prepared for GUPCO and Amoco International;
Date: July, 1985; File: Internal Amoco
Evaluation of different EOR Recovery options for the heavy oil tar mat located at the bottom of the Ramadan oil field.
Sharjah – United Arab Emirates
Reservoir Model Studies - GCOMP
Gas-in-Place and Gas Condensate Depletion Performance
Model Predictions for Sajaa Field, Sharjah, United Arab
Emirates; Prepared for Sharjah Government and Amoco
International; Several Model Studies; File: Internal Amoco
Simulator: Amoco (GCOMP)
Worked from August 1982 to September 1986,
Performed Gas Condensate predictions using
Amoco’s GCOMP Model for gas re-injection scenarios in
this 3.8 TCF Gas Condensate Retrograde Reservoir. The
field produced 600 MMSCFD (Million SCF) of gas and 60,000 BCPD (Condensate).